Can YOU imagine a world with Hover bacon?
onsdag 12. desember 2007
mandag 10. desember 2007
Kinder Lano
søndag 9. desember 2007
The story of stuff is basically a 20 minute long video explaining where all your things come from and where they go after you are done with them. I watched the entire thing, and while I probably care more about these issues than your average person, the way she explains things is very easy to understand, and you don't really need any sort of knowledge beforehand. Actually if you do, you might feel a little bit belittled, but it's still worth a watch.
The story of stuff
Now go be a good little consumer whore and watch it. Or at least watch a teaser:
lørdag 8. desember 2007
I was browsing some website, and there was a guy named Leoplurodon there, which reminded me of the word Liopleurodon, which again made me think.. frick, Liopleurodon is a fricking awesome word.
So, here are some facts about Liopleurodons:
Liopleurodons, even if they lived during the end of the Jurassic Period 165-150 million years ago (Holy Shit!), were not as you might have thought dinosaurs (DUH!). They were the largest plesiosaurs (Which is basically a swimming reptile. Omg, so much cooler!) and rocked the ocean, killing their prey with their long sharp teeth!
Liopleurodon means "smooth-sided tooth;" and the name came from French paleontologist H.E.Sauvage in 1873. Haha, what a name, what a name. On the guy I mean, not the liopleurodon; that's a really awesome name and it feels great to pronounce it and read it and hear it and it just.. REEKS OF ANTI-LANONESS!
Personally I feel that the liopleurodon was misunderstood. Obviously a nice guy.
You can also see a magical liopleurodon in the youtube video "Charlie goes to Candy Mountain". Definitely worth the view. The magical liopleurodon is also very friendly and helpful in this movie; a step in the right direction when it comes to correcting whatever bad reputation the liopleurodons might have gotten up throughout the years.
This video features a dinosaur getting eaten by a liopleurodon, but I feel that the entire thing is misrepresentative and that well.. when you gotta eat you gotta eat. Cruel Sea? A little on the harsh side there, Spanish TV-Program!
So, here are some facts about Liopleurodons:

Liopleurodon means "smooth-sided tooth;" and the name came from French paleontologist H.E.Sauvage in 1873. Haha, what a name, what a name. On the guy I mean, not the liopleurodon; that's a really awesome name and it feels great to pronounce it and read it and hear it and it just.. REEKS OF ANTI-LANONESS!
Personally I feel that the liopleurodon was misunderstood. Obviously a nice guy.
You can also see a magical liopleurodon in the youtube video "Charlie goes to Candy Mountain". Definitely worth the view. The magical liopleurodon is also very friendly and helpful in this movie; a step in the right direction when it comes to correcting whatever bad reputation the liopleurodons might have gotten up throughout the years.
This video features a dinosaur getting eaten by a liopleurodon, but I feel that the entire thing is misrepresentative and that well.. when you gotta eat you gotta eat. Cruel Sea? A little on the harsh side there, Spanish TV-Program!

“While the music industry is doing everything they possibly can to go out of business, can we all make sure to rid ourselves of the Grammys, too? Out of touch old men jacking each other off. ENOUGH!”
-Trent Reznor (From official NIN blog)
Najs, man. Najs.
PS/ Click the picture for the animated version
fredag 7. desember 2007

"Say goodbye to the RIAA, for its days are numbered. EMI, one of the "big four" record labels that feeds $132.3 million every year to trade groups such as the RIAA and IFPI, has decided that its money could be better spent elsewhere. It's reportedly considering cutting its funding towards the trade groups significantly, which would make it a lot harder for the RIAA to sue people, invade people's privacy and generally be huge dicks."
Good for you, EMI! (even if it's all about teh greedy)
tirsdag 4. desember 2007
As a completely normal and sane human being, I did a search for "Kari+Lano" in google, and one of the hits was from the political party Demokratene's homepage. Jan Simonsen was answering questions or something, and for SOME REASON someone named "Kari Lano" had submitted a question:
What? Is this me? Do I simply not remember this? Vivian, do you have any clue?
Anyhow.. pretty lano alright.
What? Is this me? Do I simply not remember this? Vivian, do you have any clue?
Anyhow.. pretty lano alright.
MSN Lano

iKari sier: haha wtf
vivian sier: DET E KUNST, KARI!!!
iKari sier: JA
iKari sier: DET E DET
vivian sier: en dag kjem nåen til å kjøpe det førr masse masse penger
iKari sier: EN VAKKER DAG
vivian sier: yep
vivian sier: da ska je spandere en kaffe på deg kari
iKari sier: men e like ikke kaffe ;_;
iKari sier: kanskje da
iKari sier: kanskje den vakre dagen i framtia
vivian sier: ok, te da. ELLER JOLABROS!!!!
iKari sier: med de pengan fpr du sikker råd til en jolabrosfabrikk
vivian sier: ja det regne je virkelig med
iKari sier: WELL DUH
vivian sier: je får sikkert også råd til en gullhest. men det har je igrunnen ikkje lyst på
iKari sier: je
iKari sier: kanskje en gullpanda
iKari sier: eller
iKari sier: hmm
iKari sier: andre fine ting man kan kjøp for pengas
vivian sier: kanskje je får lyst på en gullhamster
iKari sier: najs!
mandag 3. desember 2007
søndag 2. desember 2007
Things that are Lano
A whole list of Lano things:
-Cold Hands
-A lack of chocolate when you really want chocolate
-The fact that "Jolabros" goes out of production most of the year
..and perhaps the fact that when you want to sit down and write a list over all the things that are wrong with the world; you can only think of 5 points.
-Cold Hands
-A lack of chocolate when you really want chocolate
-The fact that "Jolabros" goes out of production most of the year
..and perhaps the fact that when you want to sit down and write a list over all the things that are wrong with the world; you can only think of 5 points.
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